Do you need help?
Our team have a wealth of knowledge and can help you with areas that are causing problems between you and your dog.
Whether it be basic obedience through to some more serious issues! If its not something we feel we are best suited to help you with we will refer you to someone who can!
Get in touch today to see how we can help!
We want to hear your experiences. Have you got a puppy from a breeder, tell us about it here
In Home Consultation
These sessions are done one on one with either Stephanie or Serena
Some of the basics covered in this session are as follows:
How to get your dog listening while distracted
How to create calmness in your home with your dog
How to have your dog walk nicely on leash and helping sort any reactivity issues you may be having
How to correctly socialise your dog with new people and other dogs
Basic Obedience and getting engagement with your dog
Any other questions you may have
$80 per hour and depending on how much help you need will depend on how long we need to spend with you!

Training Philosophy
Our team, having been in rescue for many years now and seeing first hand many issues people are faced with have spent a lot of time developing skills to help people keep their dogs..
Our aim as a charity is to educate people and give people the skills they need as a dog owner to improve their relationship with their dogs and improve unwanted behaviour.
We have a very broad range of tools and training methods that we work with and believe that when it comes to dog training it is not a one size fits all regime. We also believe that everyone who cares about the wellbeing of dogs should be working together to get the best outcome for the dog infront of them and as such we have a bunch of trainers who we work with that we will refer on should our skill set not be right for a particular dog!
If you have any questions regarding our training methods or would like to discuss further please feel free to drop us a message through the contact us page!

100% of the money paid for training consults etc goes back into running the rescue and helping as many dogs and owners as we can!
We sell some training tools etc but this is based on each particular dogs requirements and once again 100% of the profits from tools goes back to the rescue.
There is a private group created for those we are helping where you can ask questions and talk with others who may be experiencing the same problems as you that can offer support etc.